Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Return

WOW its been months since I posted on here! Im back now and better than ever ;) Im now on my bulking season which is six months (From September to the end of February). The first 3 months Im gonna use as conditioning and gaining strength. And the last 3 months Im gonna go on the p90x workout which lasts for 90days (3months). Since I wrote last, I gained alotta weight (muscle) which is good cause thats the goal of bulking :D but I also put on a lil weight around the tummy. Thats not a bad thing, its suppose to happen. All I know is I gotta hit the cardio hard when March comes around (Cutting Season). Ill post pics a lil later. I think Imma post pics at the end of each month so we can see my progress. Alrighty, its nap time zzZ

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Ok so Im on a lil mini weekend get away right.....I ate Chinese food, BBQ, fried chicken, all that good stuff (and it was good trust me lol) so when I get back to SC Im gonna hit the gym HARD, even harder than before lol you'll see!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I can feel it...

Hey, its been a while since I posted a blog. Im starting to see and feel results. All the working out is paying off!! Gaining muscle is easy, thats not the problem. Losing the excess fat is a lil tougher. In bodybuilding, you can get the biggest muscles and grow to a monsterous size, but if you have excess bodyfat around your muscles, you wont look as defined. But its all good. I gotta keep moving forward, Im hitting the gym en el manana!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I fell off my ish really bad lol But I realized whats wrong. Im suppose to be in 'cutting season' but Ive been bulking up instead. I think Im gonna continue to do 'bulking season' in place of the cutting and then do the full 'bulking season' in the Fall/Winter. THEN Ill cut in the Spring/Summer of 2010. Im just not ready to give up my fooood lol When I do pick up cutting again, I gotta master it. Cause I be feeling weak during the day and alotta times I cant do my workouts and give them 100%. SO yeah, switching to BULKING!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday: Fresh Start

Ok so for the last two weeks I end up slipping up by Thursday and Friday. The problem? Im not eating enough. I get really really hungry then I slip up. SO I need to eat snacks through out the day. Im bout to go tear the gym up. Be back in a few!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday was good. I had a good work out, I was feelin so pumped up! Today was a different story. I had to go out and get all these freaking supplies for class so I didnt get to go to the gym. BUT I did manage to do a few sets of pushups, which went well. Im so mad right now and Im really cranky. All this freakin money Im spending at this school, you would think they would make a freakin parking lot or parking garage or somethin!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I was suppose to 40min cardio today but I wasnt even feeling it. So I went for 30 lol When I say Im doing cardio, I dont mean just a walk in the park. The key to doing effective cardio is keeping your heart rate up. I try to keep mines at 140, which is in between my maximum and minimum (120 to 160).


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